>> Know and manage assets for PA

Management for public administration

Public administrations have articulated assets, of heterogeneous origin (state-owned, leased, etc.) and distributed over the territory.

Ensuring accessibility of services, safety, regulatory compliance, energy efficiency, decorum, beauty, will be increasingly possible by recovering resources also from the real estate sector.

Whether decommissioning unsuitable buildings or renegotiating rents, rationalising occupied space, calibrated procurement of goods and services, a good knowledge of the heritage is a fundamental prerequisite for any non-emergency decision-making and planning process.

Thanks to our property management software Infocad is it possible know the assets in detail, planning maintenance work and documental compliance of buildings.

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>> casi di successo

Consulta le best practises dei nostri clienti

Istituto Poligrafico Zecca dello Stato:

Global Service Contract Management

Thanks to a continuously updated Technical Master within Infocad, qualitative and quantitative knowledge of the Poligrafico’s assets was implemented, a fundamental aspect for a correct service approach.
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