Infocad UNIFI
The University is the instrumental asset par excellence that has as a key element the management of spaces. Spaces dynamic services that change over time, even within the same day.
Thanks to a software such as Infocad Unifi you can have a detailed and visual knowledge of the locations, it is therefore essential to be able to implement a precise reversal of costs, adapt environments and services to vary members, to know the exact statistical data on space management to be communicated to the competent bodies, to manage the issues of security, exodus and orientation of staff and students who “live” the sites, often distributed in the territory.
The universities that provide accommodation for students have to manage daily also the services of hotelling (booking, requests for maintenance interventions, access wifi, etc.).
All this, in an industry that makes innovation and progress its mission, can only be managed with equally innovative and up-to-date tools such as the software Infocad UNIFI.
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Infocad x UNIFI
University of Florence:
Infocad as an experimental platform for the LIA-BIM project
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