>> Geolocalise and optimise your asset management

Digitise your real estate with GIS Georeferencing Software

Infocad integrates with GIS mapping technologies such as Autodesk MapGuide and Google Maps, enabling the geolocation of real estate and infrastructure assets. This integration extends the applicability of management and maintenance processes to large-scale distributed entities such as public green spaces, archaeological sites and bridges.

The integration between the information system and GIS tools broadens perspectives, simplifying geo-marketing and enabling precise location and contextualisation of assets.

>> Digitise your heritage

Make operations efficient with GIS Georeferencing Software

Integrating Infocad’s GIS georeferencing software offers numerous advantages such as optimising the management of geospatial data, enabling clear and detailed visualisation of information on interactive maps.

GeoView Consultation
GeoView Consultation
After locating a building via map location, Infocad allows you to switch to plan view and access the interior of the structure with a simple click.
Extension of management processes
Extension of management processes
Infocad also extends the applicability of management and maintenance processes to entities distributed across the entire territory, such as public green spaces, archaeological sites and bridges.
Enhancement of GIS functionality
Enhancement of GIS functionality
L'uso della piattaforma insieme agli strumenti GIS amplia le capacità operative permettendo una precisa localizzazione dei beni per il geomarketing.
Consultazione GeoView
Dopo aver individuato un edificio tramite la localizzazione cartografica, Infocad ti permette di passare alla vista planimetrica e accedere all'interno della struttura con un semplice clic.
Estensione dei processi gestionali
Infocad amplia l'applicabilità dei processi gestionali e manutentivi anche a entità distribuite sull'intero territorio, come il verde pubblico, siti archeologici e ponti.
Potenziamento delle funzionalità GIS
L'uso della piattaforma insieme agli strumenti GIS amplia le capacità operative permettendo una precisa localizzazione dei beni per il geomarketing.
>> for more information

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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Why do maps need to be georeferenced and rectified?

Maps must be georeferenced and rectified to ensure accuracy and appropriate use of spatial information. Georeferencing associates map data with specific geographic coordinates on the earth's surface, enabling the correct positioning of features on the map with respect to the real world.

What is meant by georeferencing?

Georeferencing is the process of assigning geographical coordinates to an object, such as a point of interest, an address or an image, so that it can be positioned on the earth's surface.

Can I try the georeferencing software for free?

You can request a free live demo in the ‘book a demo’ section. Our experts provide training support and, in addition, you will always have access to video help desk and call centre support.