>> Enhance your facility management system with BIM master data

Optimise management with BIM Software for Facility Management

The implementation of the technical registry through BIM is essential in the digital transformation process of real estate assets. The objective of a software of BIM for Facility Management is to provide Digital Twin complete with information to support both maintenance operations and strategic decisions.

Infocad, with the Revit plug-in, it offers bidirectional updates to create an accurate and georeferenced technical registry. Let’s explore the definition, what it is, and how this functionality works.

>> manage intelligently

BIM and Facility Management: simplify processes with the Infocad platform

>> Renew your real estate

Explore the advantages of integrating BIM master data with Facility Management

CAD/BIM ready
Il sistema informativo è stato progettato per operare efficacemente con tecnologie CAD e BIM, con un'attenzione specifica ai file da software Autodesk, garantendo la piena compatibilità con formati IFC.
IFC compliant
Il modello elaborato con il plug-in per Autodesk Revit è salvato sul server in formato standard IFC. Gli utenti possono quindi visualizzarlo tramite il BIM Viewer direttamente dall'interfaccia web.
Dat BIM e FM
Nelle interfacce, sono integrate sia le informazioni BIM sia quelle del FM, permettendo agli utenti di accedere alle caratteristiche degli edifici, recuperare documenti di progetto e consultare lo storico delle attività.
CAD/BIM ready
CAD/BIM ready
The information system is designed to work effectively with CAD and BIM technologies, with a specific focus on files from Autodesk software, ensuring full compatibility with IFC formats.
IFC compliant
IFC compliant
The model processed with the Autodesk Revit plug-in is saved on the server in standard IFC format. Users can then view it via the BIM Viewer directly from the web interface.
BIM and FM data
BIM and FM data
In the interfaces, both BIM and FM information are integrated, allowing users to access building characteristics, retrieve project documents and consult activity history.

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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
How to use BIM correctly in Facility Management?

Using BIM in Facility Management involves the accurate use of digital models to manage the building throughout its life cycle.

What is meant by BIM?

BIM, Building Information Modeling, is the digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a building (or an infrastructure) and makes it possible to build a technical registry in which the information is not only accurate, but also related to each other and always consistent. This generates a wealth of data, certain and reliable, unique and shared among the many subjects who, in different roles, interact with buildings (designers, builders, maintainers, etc.).

How do I download the software data sheet?

The data sheet is available free of charge! To download it, simply fill in the fields in the form on this page and you will receive the file on the email you indicated.

The software is compatible with which file formats?

The software is designed to be CAD/BIM ready, compatible with Autodesk files and the IFC format, ensuring smooth integration with other tools and industry standards.

What is BIM not?

BIM facilitates the actions of Facility Managers by providing them with a perfect knowledge of the operational context, but it is not a suitable or sufficient tool to manage building-related operational processes. In fact, it is not able to record streaming information (such as environmental parameters or energy consumption), it is not the place to save thousands of documents (such as test reports, certificates, intervention reports, etc.), it does not have call centre or Work Order generation functionalities for scheduled maintenance, and it is not able to identify objects through tags and mobile devices.

How does software improve building maintenance?

Infocad software provides detailed and up-to-date data on buildings, allowing timely and targeted interventions to be planned. This reduces downtimes and operating costs.

What functionalities does BIM Facility Management software offer?

The software offers integration with the Revit plug-in, bi-directional updates for accurate and geo-referenced technical records, a BIM Viewer for visualising models and access to historical data and technical documents.

Does the software allow you to monitor maintenance?

Yes, the software integrates BIM and CAD data to support maintenance management, providing tools to plan timely and targeted interventions based on up-to-date information.