>> Simplifies scheduled and cyclical maintenance

Manage tasks with Scheduled Maintenance Software

Infocad offers a complete set of tools for the management of planned maintenance, even on large assets, enabling the management of cyclical maintenance services of various types from different companies.

In addition, the maintenance management software makes it possible to monitor the progress of the service, to visualise and approve planned activities for individual buildings and installations, to ensure that the planned time schedule for each activity is met, and to manage the finalisation and validation of the services performed.

Available reports allow managers to monitor the progress and contractual compliance of the maintenance services provided.

>> what you can do

Exploit the potential of Infocad


You plan the maintenance work

Define Intervention Objects
Define Intervention Objects
The module operates on the basis of a set of information appropriately parameterised to describe in an in a comprehensive manner the content and rules of the maintenance processes in existing at the specific customer.
Plan maintenance work
Plan maintenance work
Based on the rules and standards with which it has been parameterised the system - which depend strictly on the content of the service contracts in place - Infocad automatically develops the planning of activities (jobs)
View calendar activities
View calendar activities
The calendar/Gantt task view highlights recurrences, facilitating the coordination of maintenance activities. It is possible to move or edit each event individually.
Definisci gli Oggetti Intervento
Il modulo opera sulla base di un set di informazioni opportunamente parametrizzate per descrivere in modo compiuto il contenuto e le regole dei processi manutentivi in essere presso lo specifico cliente.
Pianifica gli interventi manutentivi
Sulla base delle regole e degli standard con cui è stato parametrizzato il sistema - che dipendono strettamente dal contenuto dei contratti di servizio in essere - Infocad sviluppa in automatico la pianificazione delle attività (jobs).
Visualizza le attività a calendario
La visualizzazione delle attività a calendario/Gantt evidenzia le ricorrenze, facilitando il coordinamento delle attività di manutenzione. È possibile spostare o modificare ogni evento singolarmente.

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