>> manage run-to-FAILURE MAINTENANCE

Reduce response time with Corrective Maintenance Software

The software offers flexible breakdown maintenance management, functioning as a customisable Call & Contact Centre.

Thanks to customisable workflows, it is possible to adapt the system to the specific needs of each customer, allowing for future changes to adapt to organisational variations. Each type of request follows a specific path involving various actors and roles, both internal and external.

Below you will find much useful information on corrective maintenance.
>> what you can do

Leverage the potential of breakdown maintenance

Failure maintenance intervenes after a device or system malfunctions. Through an analysis of the problem and the application of targeted interventions, efficiency and functionality are restored.


Adopt the change

Apertura ticket facile
Apertura ticket facile
Requests can arrive by phone, email, web and dedicated app, ensuring precise identification of the location and subject of the intervention. This eliminates generic calls and reduces errors and ticket handling time.
Definition of roles
Definition of roles
Gli utenti di Infocad accedono via web in base al ruolo assegnato, con le azioni consentite dipendenti da tale ruolo e dallo stato della richiesta. Il sistema include un servizio di notifiche automatiche inviate agli stakeholder.
Report Generation
Report Generation
You can view individual reports related to tickets (such as tracking the time time spent in each of the states in the process) and general reports general reports that allow an overall analysis overall analysis of the situation of requests.
Apertura ticket facile
Le richieste possono arrivare tramite telefono, email, web e app dedicata, garantendo un'identificazione precisa del luogo e dell'oggetto dell'intervento. Ciò elimina chiamate generiche e riduce errori e tempi di gestione dei ticket.
Definizione dei ruoli
Gli utenti di Infocad accedono via web in base al ruolo assegnato, con le azioni consentite dipendenti da tale ruolo e dallo stato della richiesta. Il sistema include un servizio di notifiche automatiche inviate agli stakeholder.
Generazione di report
Puoi visualizzare report singoli relativi ai ticket (come la tracciatura del tempo di permanenza in ciascuno degli stati previsti nel processo) e report generali che permettono un’analisi complessiva della situazione delle richieste.

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Request a free live demo

Fill in the following form and you will be contacted immediately to book a personalised platform presentation:

Who we have the pleasure of talking to(Required)
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>> Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What is it and what is the definition of corrective or run-to-failure maintenance?

Corrective, or run-to-failure, maintenance is an immediate action performed to repair a system or equipment after a sudden malfunction has occurred.

What are the differences between corrective and preventive maintenance?

Corrective maintenance is carried out after a failure to repair the equipment, whereas preventive maintenance is carried out before, to prevent breakdowns and extend the life of the system.

What are the types of corrective maintenance?

There are two main types of corrective maintenance: unplanned, which occurs in response to a sudden failure, and planned, which is planned in advance but is only performed when a failure occurs.