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Infocad offers comprehensive energy consumption software that covers:
Thanks to the integration of a detailed technical property registry, it provides specific information for the efficient management of energy consumption.
Improving energy efficiency in buildings represents an important opportunity for companies of all kinds to recover resources for operating costs and to reduce the Total Cost of Ownership of buildings.
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Infocad offers advanced solutions to optimise Energy Management through a combination of innovative technologies and strategic approaches. Thanks to its platform, Infocad allows real-time monitoring, analysis and management of energy consumption, identifying inefficiencies and suggesting targeted corrective actions.
Manage and monitor all bills related to the energy consumption of buildings. Infocad offers comprehensive bill management and precise energy consumption metering.
The platform provides advanced tools for measuring and analysing the energy consumption of buildings. Thanks to the integration of a detailed technical registry, the system makes it possible to collect and record specific energy consumption data for each individual building unit.
This data can be analysed to identify consumption patterns, detect inefficiencies and make informed decisions to improve the energy efficiency of buildings.
Perform detailed and comparative analyses on the energy consumption of the estate.
Using accurate data collected through the technical registry and andenergy bills stored in the system, in-depth analyses can be carried out to assess the energy performance of individual buildings or entire property portfolios.
Detailed analyses make it possible to examine energy consumption over time, identifying trends, peaks and seasonal variations.
Infocad not only transmits reading data to the server but also offers the possibility of interfacing withexisting building automation and management systems.
Grazie a questa funzionalità, è possibile integrare senza problemi i dati e i controlli sui consumi di energia alla gestione del patrimonio immobiliare esistente, consentendo una gestione centralizzata e sincronizzata delle operazioni.
This level of integration optimises operational efficiency, facilitates preventive maintenance and ensures greater consistency and reliability in the monitoring of property performance.
Through the use of the dedicated Infocad application, transmit all reading data to the main server.
The energy consumption software offers you the convenience of managing all your property information efficiently and quickly.
With the simplicity of a click, you have access to a wide range of features designed to optimise your property management and make it more sustainable.
Manage and monitor all bills related to the energy consumption of buildings.
Perform detailed and comparative analyses on the energy consumption of the estate.
Infocad not only transmits reading data to the server but also offers thea possibilità di interfacciarsi con i sistemi di building automation e management esistenti.
Through the use of thededicated energy consumption management application, transmit all reading data to the main server.
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Un software di energy management è una piattaforma informatica progettata per monitorare, controllare e ottimizzare l'uso dell'energia all'interno di un'organizzazione o di un'azienda.
L’analisi dei consumi energetici permette di individuare inefficienze, analizzare i trend di consumo e prendere decisioni informate per migliorare l’efficienza degli edifici, contribuendo alla sostenibilità e alla riduzione del Total Cost of Ownership.
Sì, Infocad consente una gestione completa delle bollette energetiche, fornendo una visione dettagliata dei costi e dei consumi per ogni unità immobiliare, con dati facilmente accessibili e analizzabili.
Sì, Infocad offre un’app mobile che consente di trasmettere e gestire i dati direttamente dal campo, rendendo la gestione energetica più rapida ed efficiente.
Le aziende di qualsiasi settore e dimensione possono beneficiare di un software di gestione dei consumi energetici.
Sì, grazie alle analisi comparative, puoi confrontare i consumi energetici di più edifici, identificando pattern e inefficienze per migliorare le prestazioni complessive del patrimonio immobiliare.
La dashboard del software offre analisi dettagliate sui consumi orari e giornalieri, evidenziando anomalie e variazioni stagionali, e strumenti per analisi comparative tra edifici.
Il software supporta l’identificazione di inefficienze e la pianificazione di interventi di efficientamento energetico, creando un ciclo virtuoso che riduce i consumi e l’impatto ambientale.