>> Catalogues and monitors the documentary framework of the built environment

Eliminate paper with Real Estate Document Management Software

Managing real estate requires a precise overview of the space and a complete control over security and documentation.

Infocad with its property document management functionality ‘helps to “catalogue and archive documents such as user manuals, maintenance and operating procedures”, facilitating the maintenance of the “building file”.

The software is intuitive and also suitable for non-specialised personnel. The system integrates all documents related to the property management and facilities in one shared working environment, facilitating planning and investigation.

Gestione documentale immobiliare
>> what you can do

Explore document management of real estate assets in a smart way


Digitise real estate document management with software

Comprehensive 360° reports
Comprehensive 360° reports
The software provides a set of reports to quickly identify any critical situations due to inadequate coverage of documentation, in relation to the individual entities of the assets and the different files and documentary categories.
Simple consultation
Simple consultation
Management takes place via the web or via the infocad app, allowing you to monitor expiry dates and receive notifications as renewal deadlines approach. Infocad structures the building file to keep track of and verify documents.
Avoid financial risks and penalties
Avoid financial risks and penalties
The control functions are of particular importance in the management of certificates required by law, whose absence or lack of validity may entail significant risks for the company, its its directors and for all company operations.
Report completi a 360°
Il software fornisce un set di report per individuare velocemente eventuali situazioni di criticità dovute ad inadeguata copertura della documentazione, relativamente alle singole entità del patrimonio e ai diversi fascicoli e categorie documentali.
Consultazione semplice
Le operazioni di gestione avvengono via web o tramite l’app infocad, consentendo di monitorare le scadenze e ricevere notifiche in prossimità del termine di rinnovo. Infocad struttura il fascicolo del fabbricato per tenere sotto controllo e verificare i documenti.
Evita rischi e sanzioni finanziarie
Le funzionalità di controllo rivestono particolare importanza nella gestione dei certificati richiesti dalla legge, la cui assenza o mancata validità può comportare significativi rischi per l’azienda, i suoi amministratori e per tutte le operazioni aziendali.

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