>> Perform quality checks and record the outcome with one click

Learn about Service Quality Management Software

With Infocad it is possible to carry out checks on any type of activity, process or service and record the results of these checks directly in the field.

Using the Infocad App, which has a simple and intuitive interface, it is possible to complete the questionnaire associated with the inspection directly on site..

The quality management software offers a wide flexibility in terms of configuration, making it suitable for all organisational needs. The integration between this module and those dedicated to the management of maintenance activities enables easy and low-cost cross-check statistics to be carried out between control results and maintenance operations.

>> what you can do

Perfecting Quality Management with QMS Software


Simplify work with Quality Management Software

The module is based on the data structure of the unique Infocad database: guarantees a direct and native connection direct and native connection with the master data of the buildings, ensuring a synchronisation of the data.
Custom Monitoring
Custom Monitoring
Infocad allows you to monitor checks, sorted by status and by outcome. For each type of of control, the user can define the threshold levels to be reached in order to consider it passed.
Quality control
Quality control
The user, via a web configuration panel, can generate different types of control, associating to each one a specific specific questionnaire.
Facilità d'uso
Il modulo si basa sulla struttura dati del database unico di Infocad: garantisce una connessione diretta e nativa con le anagrafiche degli edifici, assicurando una sincronizzazione dei dati.
Monitoraggio custom
Infocad permette di monitorare i controlli, ordinati per stato e per esito. Per ogni tipologia di controllo l’utente può definire i livelli-soglia da raggiungere per considerarlo superato.
Controllo qualità
L’utente, tramite un pannello di configurazione web, può generare differenti tipologie di controllo, associando ad ognuno uno specifico questionario.

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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What is quality management software?

A quality management software is an IT platform designed to facilitate the planning, implementation and monitoring of business processes aimed at ensuring the quality of products and services.

Qual è il significato di QMS?

Il significato di QMS è "Quality Management System" o "Sistema di Gestione della Qualità" in italiano. Si tratta di un insieme di processi, procedure e risorse organizzative implementate da un'azienda per garantire che i suoi prodotti o servizi soddisfino o superino le aspettative dei clienti in termini di qualità.

What is the purpose of a quality management project?

A quality management project is used to define and implement a set of processes, procedures and activities aimed at ensuring that a product or service meets established quality requirements.

Posso provare una demo gratis del software QMS?

Sì assolutamente. Prenota un demo e i nostri esperti ti forniranno supporto formativo.