>> Book any working place in a few simple clicks

Simplify space management with Workstation Reservation Software

In Italy, the operational cost of office space for companies (rent, utilities, maintenance, cleaning, supplies, etc.) fluctuates between 10% anda 25% of the total and inadequate knowledge of space can result in a loss of 1-4 % of turnover.

The workstation reservation software simplifies booking intuitively, allowing you to select spaces directly from floor plans and reducing annual costs by up to 37%.

Users can indicate the duration of the occupation by choosing from options such as ‘morning’, ‘afternoon’, ‘all day’, or they can book directly from a calendar, thus ensuring the precise booking of workplaces.


Less costs, more involvement

0 %
+ 0 %
> 0 %
>> the benefits

Discover the benefits and how Booking centre software simplifies work

Integrated SSO
Integrated SSO
Infocad supports the sharing of corporate SSO authentication modes, including SAML2, OAuth2 etc. With these options, Infocad can be easily integrated with existing authentication systems.
Creating groups
Creating groups
It will be possible to create groups of users who will then be assigned permissions on specific groups of bookable objects (e.g. the group ‘accounting’ will be able to see the ‘common workstations’ and “accounting workstations”. accounting’.
Work plan
Work plan
Each user will have the possibility to schedule attendance, travel trips and smart working days via a simplified calendar. Coordinators will thus have evidence of attendance/absence.
>> what you can do

Book workstations with a click: discover Infocad software

Infocad simplifies workspace management with its desk reservation software, which allows users to select and reserve workspaces quickly and easily. Thanks to the office desk reservation app, employees can view the available spaces and choose the one best suited to their needs.

SSO integrato
Infocad supporta la condivisione delle modalità di autenticazione aziendali, tra cui SAML2, OAuth2 etc. Grazie a queste opzioni, è possibile integrare facilmente Infocad con i sistemi di autenticazione esistenti della tua azienda.
Creare dei gruppi
Sarà possibile creare dei gruppi di utenti a cui verranno poi attribuiti i permessi su specifici gruppi di oggetti prenotabili (es. il gruppo “contabilità” potrà vedere le “postazioni comuni” e “le postazioni contabilità”.
Piano di lavoro
Ogni utente avrà la possibilità di programmare le presenze, le trasferte e i giorni di smart working tramite un calendario semplificato. I coordinatori potranno così avere evidenza delle presenze/assenze.
>> simple, intuitive and totally reliable

Manage scribe booking via APP

Infocad simplifies workspace management with an app for booking desks and meeting rooms. Users can easily view real-time availability, choose the desired resources and confirm the booking in just a few steps.

With the desk and meeting room booking app, company resources are always accessible and optimised, improving efficiency and workspace management.

>> reserve your seat with a click

Integrations with other business functions

Infocad is a comprehensive facility management software that offers an integrated solution for company asset management. In addition to workstation booking, Infocad allows you to manage your company’s assets, ensuring accurate control of resources and optimised planning of activities.

In addition, Infocad is a Energy management software which allows you to monitor and optimise your energy consumption, reducing waste and improving efficiency. By collecting and analysing data, you can make informed decisions to reduce energy costs and improve the sustainability of your business.

>> for more information

Request a free live demo of the Space and Workstation Reservation Software

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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Does the software allow booking of desks?

Yes, absolutely. To book an appointment with our experts and get to the heart of Infocad click here.

Can I see how the booking of free workstations works?

Of course, you can request a live demo of the system, to view the various functionalities together with our experts. To book an appointment with our experts and get to grips with Infocad click here.