>> Manage the accounting of interventions and works of varying complexity

Warehouse management, works and accounting software

Infocad offers comprehensive support for coordinating all phases of a job, from start to finish. It includes design, budget management
project approval, management of the companies involved, construction, testing and delivery.

Inventory management software provides real-time visibility into the progress of activities and jobs during the budgeting and reporting phases. Let’s find out what this functionality is, the benefits and how to start it up in your company

>> what you can do

Simplify accounting with warehouse management software: key features

>> Make your real estate smart

The benefits of warehouse management

The module is based on the integration of warehouse functions, administrative control and price lists, allowing the management of accounting for interventions and works of varying complexity: from extra-canon activities extraordinary maintenance, major renovations, to the realisation of a complete work.
Documents produced during the design phase design phase (BIM, CAD, tables metric calculations, static calculations, etc.), as well as those relating to the management and work accounting (work logbook of works, accounting ledger etc.) prepared with the normal business tools, are associated to the corresponding activity in the workflow.
Once the project type has been defined the system allows you to elaborate the budget available for the realisation of the work, adopting a cost structure customisable according to specific specific requirements. Having established the budget, the module supports the user in controlling expenditure on individual activities in all subsequent subsequent implementation phases.
Il modulo si basa sull’integrazione delle funzioni di magazzino, controllo amministrativo e prezzari, permettendo di gestire la contabilità relativa ad interventi e lavori di diversa complessità: dalle attività extra-canone, manutenzioni straordinarie, grandi ristrutturazioni, alla realizzazione di un’opera completa.
I documenti prodotti durante la fase di progettazione (BIM, CAD, tabelle, computi metrici, calcoli statici, etc.), nonché quelli relativi alla gestione e alla contabilità lavori (giornale dei lavori, registro di contabilità, etc.) redatti con i normali strumenti d’impresa, vengono associati alla corrispondente attività nel workflow.
Definita la tipologia del progetto, il sistema consente di elaborare il budget a disposizione per la realizzazione dell’opera, adottando una struttura di costi personalizzabile in funzione delle specifiche esigenze. Stabilito il budget, il modulo supporta l’utente nel controllo della spesa sulle singole attività in tutte le successive fasi realizzative.

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>> Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What is warehouse management software?

A warehouse management software is an IT platform designed to automate and optimise stock management operations within a warehouse or company.

Is it possible to have a demo of the platform?

Of course, you can request a live demo of the system, to view the various functionalities together with our experts. To book an appointment with our experts and get to grips with Infocad click here.

What results are achieved if I install the Infocad warehouse accounting software?

The installation of Infocad's warehouse accounting software leads to results such as improved inventory management accuracy, optimised inventories, increased operational efficiency, improved customer satisfaction and access to advanced analytics to improve overall company performance.

How do I know that the management system integrates with my warehouse?

Infocad adapts and integrates seamlessly to all business systems.