>> Digitise your heritage

Elevate your business with Project Management Software

The property manager often has to coordinate and manage a variety of directional projects that go beyond normal maintenance activities, such as acquisitions, divestitures, and changes in the organization of locations.

Infocad enables all these projects to be
centrally managed at a higher level of project management, providing features for budgets, tasks, assignment of responsibilities, time and document management.

>> Make your real estate smart

Explore the functionalities of Project Management Software


Maximise productivity with Project Management Software

Central Repository of Projects
Central Repository of Projects
Enter and manage all your projects associated with real estate in centralised manner, sharing existing master data and coding. Get a complete overview of the progress of projects and greater management control on different types of investments, comparing budgets and actual costs actual costs.
Easily plan activities
Easily plan activities
In a few simple steps it is you can also upload activities through Excel sheets. Manage the timetable through a simple and intuitive interface. Assign tasks to your collaborators and stay updated in real time on their progress. progress.
Collaborate with your team
Collaborate with your team
Allow all members of the team members to access information project information and to update autonomously update their assigned tasks assigned to them, thus increasing productivity. You can create cross-functional teams, involving different actors operating on the entire property estate.
Repository centrale dei progetti
Inserisci e gestisci tutti i tuoi progetti associati agli immobili in modo centralizzato, condividendo anagrafiche e codifiche esistenti. Ottieni una visione completa dello stato di avanzamento dei progetti e un maggior controllo di gestione sui diversi tipi di investimenti, confrontando budget e costi effettivi.
Pianifica facilmente le attività
In pochi e semplici passi è possibile caricare le attività anche attraverso fogli Excel. Gestisci il cronoprogramma attraverso un interfaccia semplice ed intuitiva. Assegna le attività ai tuoi collaboratori e rimani aggiornato in tempo reale sul loro stato di avanzamento.
Collabora con il tuo team
Consenti a tutti i membri del team di accedere alle informazioni del progetto e di aggiornare in autonomia le attività a loro assegnate, in modo da aumentare la produttività. Puoi creare team trasversali, coinvolgendo diversi soggetti che operano su tutto il patrimonio immobiliare.

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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What is project management software?

Project management software is an IT platform designed to help organisations plan, monitor, execute and control the activities involved in a project.

Why do you use project management software in your company?

Project management software is used in the company to organise and coordinate project activities efficiently, improving communication, monitoring progress and keeping to established schedules and budgets.

Can I see how the project management software works for free?

Yes, absolutely. Book a demo and our experts will provide you with training support.