>> Record, monitor and manage cost items and their financing

Budget control and management software

Infocad is a comprehensive solution for managing cost items and funding associated with specific projects or work.

The platform makes it possible to track all the accounting steps associated with a given project or work: from forecasting expenditures to allocating funding to recording actual costs and Certificates of Progress.

In addition, thanks to the robust reporting functionality, certificates can be generated to easily identify data related to the project progress.

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Benefits of corporate budget management software

Expenditure forecasts
Expenditure forecasts
In the form you can enter the expenditure forecasts for a given period and detail them according to the budget and the related components. It is possible to have the total of the various expenditure items and to filter the accrual period, thus to have an overview of the expected costs, broken down by budget and component.
Period Costs
Period Costs
Using the period cost function, one can specify the costs to be incurred in the current financial period, always broken down by budget and component. of the current financial year, again broken down by budget and component. In detail, the amount to be paid, the paid to be paid, the amount paid and the balance, so that you always have an up-to-date overview of the costs.
Two modes of internal reporting: payment certificates (i.e. aggregates of items issued, data of the contract and breakdowns of the companies participating in the contract) and payment arrangements (the data of the financing from which the SAL is paid).
Previsioni di spesa
Nel modulo si può inserire le previsioni di spesa di un dato periodo e dettagliarle in base al budget e alle componenti relative. È possibile avere il totale delle varie voci di spesa e filtrare il periodo di competenza, così da avere un quadro generale dei costi attesi, suddivisi per budget e componente.
Costi di periodo
Tramite la funzione costi di periodo si possono specificare i costi che dovranno essere sostenuti nel periodo di esercizio corrente, articolati sempre per budget e componente. Nel dettaglio sono visualizzabili l’importo da pagare, il pagato e la rimanenza, così da avere sempre un quadro aggiornato dei costi.
Due modalità di reportistica interna: certificati di pagamento (ovvero degli aggregati delle voci emesse, i dati del contratto e le ripartizioni delle company che partecipano al contratto stesso) e le disposizioni di pagamento (i dati dei finanziamenti dai quali viene pagato il SAL).

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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What is budget control and management software?

A budget and management control software is an IT platform designed to plan, monitor and control the financial and operational activities of a company.

Can I try the budget control functionality of Infocad free of charge?

Of course, you can request a live demo of the system, to view the various functionalities together with our experts. To book an appointment with our experts and get to grips with Infocad click here.

Why choose business management control software?

Choosing business management control software allows you to improve efficiency, optimise resources, make informed decisions and reduce business risks.